The winter season will be wet and rainy. Prolonged rain could pose a problem, especially to swimming pool owners in San Diego. As such, it’s crucial to observe winter pool maintenance and seek professional services as may be required by circumstances.
Why Should Pools Be Maintained During Winter?
Swimming may not be a popular activity during winter in San Diego, but pools still need to be maintained. For one thing, a swimming pool’s chemical balance is important. It needs to be regularly maintained. Frequent rainfall during winter can alter the pH level of your swimming pool. A balanced pH is ideal for swimming pools to prevent bacteria and other contaminants from thriving.
Consequently, winter pool maintenance will help avoid microbial and chemical hazards caused by its water contamination.
Winter Pool Maintenance Tips for San Diego CA Pool Owners
Below are some tips to keep your pools free from contamination during winter seasons in San Diego:
1. Regularly monitor your pool’s pH levels.
As previously mentioned, maintaining your pool’s balanced pH levels will be important for safety and health reasons. Consistent monitoring of pH levels at regular intervals is highly recommended to be observed by pool owners.
However, note that rain itself is already slightly acidic (having a low pH level). Hence, it’s best to check your pools from time to time, especially during prolonged rainfalls.
The ideal pH would be ranging from 7.2 to 7.6. Should the pH level falls below or increase above this threshold, you must stabilize your pools as needed.
2. Get rid of algae proliferating in your pools.
Algae can cultivate harmful microorganisms that can cause water-borne diseases such as gastroenteritis, athlete’s foot, and ear infections. When rain mixes with pool water, pH levels are altered, and there will be a chemical imbalance. This pH alteration can eventually create an ideal environment for algae to thrive.
You must first scrub your pool walls and floors and try to remove as much algae as possible. It is likewise recommended to use algaecides if algae problems persist or worsen. Most algaecides are designed to slow and even hamper algae growth, which can prevent microorganism contamination. Other algaecide products also have an anti-bacterial effect that can also help in eliminating these disease-causing microorganisms.
3. Regular and routine chlorination.
When the right chlorine levels are not maintained, pools can become breeding ground for algae and other microorganisms. Routine chlorination will eradicate the accumulating bacteria and algae in pool waters. For worse-case contamination problems especially during rainy winters, a chlorine shock treatment is also highly recommended.
Remember not to let the pH level fall below 7.0 and increase above 8.0. This will make the chlorine to dissipate easily and work less effectively.
4. Filter your pools daily.
Always ensure first that your filtering system is working well and is electrical hazard-free. If it is, then it will be best to filter your pools on a daily and regular basis. This will contribute vastly to your winter pool maintenance. Your expenses for the costs of hiring pool cleaning services will also be significantly reduced.
However, it is required that you also need to take care of your filters. Your filters should always be kept clean and inspected for any trapped and unwanted dead algae. Algae remnant will only likely to cause recurring algae problems.
5. Turn off, cover, and regularly check your pool and its equipment.
Use a protective cover for your pools against falling leaves, tree branches, and other debris. Should your pool equipment be exposed to heavy rainfall, it is best to shut the main power off. If not done, potential electrical hazards and accidents such as electrocution may occur. Moreover, it is also recommended that you tightly cover your equipment with waterproof covers.
6. Do not drain water from your pools.
“Draining an overflowing pool will prevent further contamination” – this is a misconception. Doing this is more harmful than beneficial in terms of winter pool maintenance. The reason for such is that when pools are drained, it will be left unprotected against proliferating debris.
Remember that it is better to clean dirty pool water than to drain and clean it afterward.
7. Invest in professional winter pool maintenance services.
Cherry Pool Services offer top-rated pool maintenance services in San Diego. Specifically, we offer:
- Pool Service and Cleaning
- Pool Algae Cleaning
- Pool Acid Wash
- Pool Drain and Restart
- Pool Filter Cleans
- Pool Inspections and Orientations
Contact us now, and we will solve your pool problems right away!