pool automation

FAQs About Pool Automation

The advent of technology has made a huge impact even on minor things like swimming pools. Although not every pool is state-of-the-art, many people now choose to go for techy innovations, such as pool automation, for convenience and efficiency. An average pool owner spends more than $1000 for maintenance per year in the United States.…

infinity pools

Understanding Infinity Pools

Nothing compares to the sense of calm flowing water gives to people. Many prefer to have a standard swimming pool in their backyard, but there are those who elevate the experience with infinity pools. The innovative design – where the vanishing edge makes you feel you are one with the horizon – is breathtaking. How…


What is a Jacuzzi?

Whenever you hear the term ‘jacuzzi’, you can expect the image of a hot tub flashing on your mind. You can probably also think of a small tub placed near your swimming pools that you can lounge on during hot or cold weather. Interestingly, hot tubs and Jacuzzi are somewhat the same! ‘Jacuzzi’ is a…